Friday, August 29, 2008

Jesse Jr's forth Birthday!

Jesse Jr turned four on August 17th. I can't believe he is four already. It makes me feel really old. Anyways, he asked for a guiter for his birthday and I couldn't resist. He is so cute. He pretends he knows what to do and makes up little songs to sing while playing. So stinkin' cute. I'll have to make a video of that. He has also been wanting a bike, so he was very excited to see a bike when he came downstairs an his birthday morning.
Jesse was set on having a rocket cake for his birthday. So, i had to be creative and he it is. This is me being creative on a Sunday. The day I usually take a nap after church, but instead I wa decorationg this silly cake for hours. It was well worth it when I saw the look on his face after seeing he's very special rocket birthday cake. He talked about that cake for like week. He told everybody we talked to about it, even the cashier at the grocery store! So it made me feel good. It looks like there will be many more silly and outrageous cakes in my future. Holly'd birthday is coming up in October. I wonder what I will have to make then.


Adelheide said...

Cool cake. I'm impressed. Did you make the cake yourself or did you buy a rocket pan or what. Either way it looks great!

Shiloh Thacher said...

Yep! I made it myself. I just took a large sheet cake and cut it up into piece and then arranged them to look like it. Thanks!